Top ten things that seem to be on the back burner or never get done since the twins have arrived. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE THE TWINS!!! Life has just changed so much for me
1. Bed seems to never get made. I hate that. Nothing like getting in a messy bed. The covers are never right!
2. Shaving my legs! I'm ashamed to say I can't remember the last time I shaved. I was getting out of the shower this morning and realized the hair on my legs is as long as the hair on my head!! GOT TO GET THIS DONE!
3. Cleaning the house. Had a little breakdown over this problem. Thanks Kim for coming to the rescue!!
4. Going to the bathroom is an act of congress. Last nights conversation: ME: Kyle could you please hold Maggie while I go to the bathroom. KYLE: Is it going to take 30 mintues because I'm ready to go to bed! ME: Just never mind!
5. It now takes an hour and a half to get everyone ready to go somewhere and when you get there you wonder if it was worth all the trouble.
6. Can't go to Wal-Mart. Thanks for all the helpers that watch the kids so I can get the necessities! And I have learned that you don't have to go to Wal-Mart with makeup on. Just getting there is enough!
7. No more sleeping all night and most of all no sleeping in!!!
8. If supper gets cooked, it's something quick and most of the time it doesn't get cooked so you find what you want or do without!
9. No more of that reading before bed. I think I have started 3 books and read maybe one page of each!
10. Memory!!! For some reason I can't seem to remember anything. I get to work some morning and think, did I brush my teeth, did I put deorterent on!
Top ten things that makes all the above ok:
Okay enough of that, I haven't blogged since Christmas. We had a GREAT Christmas! It just seemed to pass so quickly. Matt and Maggie didn't seem real interested at all. Kyle was up at 4 a.m. and the twins were up, this is a usual feeding time for them, so we got to see what Santa left. Kyle was all excited because he had gotten everything he asked for and more and the twins just wanted their bottles. This year will be much better for them. Allen says they will give me a run of my money with all the decorations! I can't wait.
Customized Oakley sunglasses, alright!!!
Our new cars!!
Santa with his first tractor that bubba got him
Ms. Clause
The New Year was spent with Mom and Dad eating and home by 10 in the bed. Sorry, I slept the New Year in. Sleeping is precious time.
Oh, I almost forgot, Shane asked Mandy to marry him on Christmas Eve Eve. She got a Van Atkins diamond!!! It is beautiful.
Matt and Maggie had their 4 month check up last Friday. Matt weighed in at 16. 4 and Maggie weighed in at 13.2. Matt has a hemangioma on his second toe on the right foot that has to be fixed. Dr. Scott prefers we go to Little Rock to have this done and I have called to arrange this. Please be praying for Matt and for us. It's rough making decisions like this when they are so small. I just hate to see them hurt. I can't stand for them to even get their shots, much less something like this.
Saturday will be my 35th birthday. I have been so richly blessed in my 35 years. God is good!!
Oh, and I almost forgot, MY OLDEST SON MADE THE HONOR ROLL!!!!!!!!!YIPPEEEE!!!
I love Matt & Maggie's cute..Happy Early Birthday! The top ten was so funny. I loved it. Keep the pictures coming. Love, Leslie
Love your top 10 and your pictures. Matt and Maggie are growing so fast!! Hope you had a wonderful birthday!! We have had 35 GREAT years!!
okay! I am caught up with you now!
I know what you mean in your top ten... I feel your pain! LOL The twins are really growing!
Missy, I so love (and agree) with your top ten. I hate to tell you, but my kids are 7 and 10 and I feel like I STILL live by that top ten most days! haha
Hope you had a great 35th b/d--mine is fast approaching.
Love you!!
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